Classes at Recentre

Class Schedule

Price List:
Casual visit: $40
10 class pack: $250
Class only membership: $35 per week

Monday 5:30pm - Mobility

Tuesday 6:00pm - Yoga

Wednesday 5:30pm - Release


5:30pm - Stretch

6:30pm Mat Pilates

Friday 12:30pm - Mobility

Mobility Classes

with Kat Mason

Mondays 5:30PM &
Fridays 12:30PM

Flexibility is the ability of our joints to change positions; it is the overarching motor ability as all other abilities like strength, agility, coordination etc can only be developed within the limits of our range of motion. In order to build strength or learn to control a position, you first need to have access to that range of motion.

Our progressive Programs run by our flexibility specialist Kat Jacob, will give you the chance to live, move and feel your best.


with Luisa

Every Tuesday 6PM

Join Luisa for an evening Japanese Yoga class to help you shake off the day and find your centre again.

Start the class with some Yang movements/poses (gently lengthen and strengthen) to counteract bad posture and tension held in the body, then flow into a Yin phase (slower, introspective) to deeply wind down and allow for more space within the realm of body and mind.

We incorporate breathwork/mindful breathing techniques.


with Karin-Anne Abercrombie

Thursdays 6:30PM

Dive into a personalized fitness experience with our exclusive Pilates class led by Karin-Anne Abercrombie. This session take a fresh approach to core strengthening and balance, pushing the boundaries of traditional Pilates methods. Participants benefit from an enhanced understanding of body awareness, leading to more profound muscle engagement and improved stability.

This class is great for all fitness level It's perfect to improving your overall health and wellness. Karin-Anne will guide and teach you on how to enhance your posture, core strength, reflexes, and flexibility.

Release class

with the Recentre therapists

Wednesday 5:30pm

Do you spend time releasing your tight and tense muscles?

Are you rolling around on foam rollers/massage balls and question if you're working on the right areas?

The class is designed from a rehabilitation and injury prevention perspective, to help aid your body with self massage techniques using a variety of methods including foam rollers, trigger balls, sticks, yoga blocks and your very own hands.

'Release' will help improve flexibility and mobility, ease or eliminate pain by releasing trigger points (known as knots) in the muscles and working with the connective tissue (fascia) in the body.

These classes will be run by the Recentre massage therapists.


with Kat Mason

Thursdays 5:30pm

This class designed to enhance flexibility, reduce stress, and prevent injuries through gentle, assisted stretching techniques. This class is perfect for all fitness levels, focusing on improving mobility, alleviating muscle tension, and promoting overall well-being. By targeting major muscle groups in a calm and supportive environment, you'll leave feeling a noticeable improvement in posture and bodily alignment.

Partnered Stretch Class

with Kat Mason

24th of March - 9am to 10:30am
28th of July - 9am to 10:30am
10th of November - 9am to 10:30am

You will learn about the benefits of stretching with a partner and how to modify a stretch to suit your body and get the most out of each stretch.

We will cover how to choose the right stretch for you, how to set each stretch up, how to utilise your breath to open up range in each position and how to support your partner for the best outcomes.

We will take you through a range of stretches for your hips, shoulders and spine, so bring your partner / friend / parent and join us for this hands-on stretch workshop.

Cost: $45 per person